Comments on the Wisconsin WIOA State Plan DRAFT

Date: January 25, 2016
Author(s): CFFPP, Naomi Takahashi and Nino Rodriguez

The State of Wisconsin’s Draft WIOA Combined Plan was available for public review and comment until January 13, 2016. Due to the impacts this WIOA state plan will have on job opportunities for people with low-incomes, CFFPP reviewed the State of Wisconsin’s Draft Plan, and submitted comments. CFFPP found that there are no clear strategies on how the state will provide priority of service. Within CFFPP’s comments on the State of Wisconsin’s WIOA plan, concerns are summarized and identified by topic and page number. These concerns focus on a lack of specification, and gaps found within the State Plan draft that should be addressed for WIOA to be successful in Wisconsin. The remaining bullet points address areas of concern that were not included in the plan and must be addressed for people with barriers to be assisted and served under WIOA. There needs to be further specification as to how exactly and with what strategies the Wisconsin WIOA State Plan will serve people with barriers to truly provide “priority of service”.